How Long? // Daniel 9 (Part 2)

Grace Church of Sebring is a member congregation of Charis Fellowship located in beautiful Sebring, FL. For more information, visit

Sermon Notes Daniel 9:20-27 Main idea: The gospel of Jesus fulfills centuries of prophetic promises, including Daniel's seventy sevens.

Key Passages to understand Daniel *Jeremiah 25:3, 8-12 *2 Chronicles 36:15-23 *Leviticus 25:1-4 & 8-12; 26
1. Sabbath established every seven days, every seven years for the land
2. Year of Jubilee established every 50 years
3. Relates to Daniel 9:24 prophecy of atonement
4. Sabbaths must be kept--70 Sabbaths were skipped between David's day and Jesus, and God's promised discipline was meted out
5. Jesus, Messiah, finally came to atone for the neglect and disobedience
6. In a scene in the Temple from Luke 4, Jesus read the section of Isaiah where this Leviticus teaching is quoted. He declared He had come to fulfill it.

Daniel 9 Predictions
V. 24 The restoration of Jerusalem (539 BC) V 24-25 The coming of Jesus as Messiah (0-33 AD)
V. 26 The death of Jesus Messiah (30-33 AD) The destruction of Jerusalem (70 AD)
V. 27 To be fulfilled: The Great Tribulation

1. How does this passage change how we live in a chaotic world?
* It changes our mindset from pessimism to optimism
* It changes our actions from passive to active
* It changes our prayers from self-centered to kingdom-focused
2. How are we growing as students of the word or are we content with biblical illiteracy?


Promised One


How Long? // Daniel 9